kdata: Korean Culture, Business, and Education Data

Korean dataset

Kadir Jun Ayhan


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

I love Korea, and I love data.

So, I have decided to make quite interesting and useful Korean data public… and in a fun way.

I invite you to explore and interact with the data I will be sharing. Let’s craft stories together using these datasets and connect through the hashtags #kdiplo, #kdiploviz, #kdata, and #kdataviz.

While my main interests in Korean Studies lie in foreign policy and (public) diplomacy, I am also interested in everything related to Korea, from business to education to culture.

Indeed, I was trained as an economist, with a double major in international trade, wrote my master’s thesis on Korean popular culture (from an international relations angle), and have published at least 8 peer-reviewed articles on international student mobility programs (from a public diplomacy angle).

So… in addition to the #kdiplo package, I am happy to announce that, I am also building another package, #kdata, dedicated to datasets on Korean business, culture, and education. Although this is a work-in-progress, I have already uploaded multiple datasets to the #kdiplo repository. I will upload documentation and vignettes for these datasets soon.

To kick things off with the vibrant Spring season in Korea, I present our first challenge: the Korean Festivals dataset! 🌸🎎🎇

Explore and interact with the data available at #kdiplo kdiplo::korean_festivals_data.

Check out my blog post where I’ve used this dataset.

I encourage you to dive into this dataset and share your insights. Remember to use hashtags #kdiplo, #kdiploviz #kdata, and #kdataviz in your posts across various social media platforms!

Dataset Contents Status Uploaded
International Students Data A dataset containing information about international students in Korea, including their country of origin, visa type, and the number of students. Available 2024-03-26
International Students Data (Individual) A dataset containing information about all current individual international students in Korea, including their country of origin, sex, visa type, and schools Available (to-be-documented) 2024-03-26
International Students Data (Schools) A dataset containing information about international students at each school/ university in Korea, containing information including their country of origin, visa type, major, TOPIK results and more Available (to-be-documented) 2024-03-26
Korean Festivals Data A dataset containing detailed information about festivals in Korea, including names, locations, dates, and additional details in both Korean and English. Available 2024-03-23